Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Fruitless Weekend

This weekend we were really hoping to find a more permanent place to park the bus before we can begin to work on it, but as it turns out, all the real estate and rental companies were looking forward to the 3-day weekend also and all took off like their offices were on fire and filled with fire-proof spiders that have a taste for human flesh and think it's rather delicious. So, no matter how many phone calls or emails I sent Friday afternoon they weren't returned. Well, except one guy that I called Friday morning, and he only returned my call to say he busy running from spiders and might call me back on Tuesday if he lived through the weekend.

So, not wanting to tear the bus completely apart in the parking lot at my work, we did the next best thing .... organized.

It's amazing how much crap a person realizes they don't need after living in a bus for a week with another person, a dog that is larger than either person and two space-occupying cats who just rightly assume that everything is theirs. I was able to condense down my tool boxes from 3 large monstrosities, to merely 2 large monstrosities. The purchase of a clothes duffle bag, much as we used to use in basic training, really help to get a bunch of the mess relocated to a single spot, and a quick trip to the thrift store (there is no such thing as a quick trip to a thrift store, btw) helped by finding a couple of wall hangers that could be hung flat to the wall and allowed us to hang a bunch of stuff up out of the way for the time being.

Mostly though my weekend was taken up with fucking around with crap on the internet, and drawing up plans for how we want to remodel the bus.

Actually the drawing up of the plans didn't take that long, it was the multiple "honey, can you move this over here so I can see how it looks" from my loving and beautiful wife that took the most amount of time.

Anyway, here is the basic floorplan we finally agreed on:
Here it is showing the storage above the bed and above the windows:
Here is the right wall if you are standing at the drivers seat looking toward the back of the bus:
The left wall stading at the driver and looking toward the back:
And finally the draft of where the electrical lines, plumbing lines and gas lines need to run. We opted to get a composting toilet instead of a regular one because I don't like the thought of a black tank for waste and we want to be more environmentally friendly.
So far this is all just the basics and will probably change 100 more times if my wife has her way, but this is WAYYYY easier than actually moving furniture!

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