Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Don't read this

Take a breath and count to ten ….
Fuck you! Fuck me! Fuck everyone! This is just the way it’s gonna be. If you don’t like profanity, if you don’t like hearing about sex, relationships, naked old men, thoughts that come from a mind that dwells in the taboo of life, stories of a past gone awry, litanies of post-pubescent disorder, the occasional creativeness, or if you just plain don’t like me then you can just hit that little browse button at the top of the screen and navigate your way away from here, because this isn’t for you.

This is for me.

I once had dreams too, just like you do. I once wanted to take the world by storm, grab it by the little testicles and squeeze until the juice ran down its leg. I once wanted to be rich, famous, infamous, a fucking god. But then life got in the way of my dreams. I had responsibilities, I had people that looked to me to bring them up in the world, teach them the lessons they needed to learn, be there for them when they cried, hold them when they had a bad dream, love them just for the sake of that they were born on this huge pile of stinking rock and they came from my loins.

I did love them. I do love them. I will always love them no matter what. They may be fucked up for eternity, and I blame myself for that, but they will be fucked up in a way that I can relate too. They will be gods themselves because of me.

Now they are grown into their own little worlds, and I can once again grab a hold of my own world before it passes too far out of my reach. And I’m gonna fucking throttle it with both hands like a teenage boy who has just discovered that white stuff comes out of his penis and it rocks his world when it does. I’m gonna stick a finger in the ass of life, twirl it around a few times until it knows I am there and then I’m gonna rape it with my words.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

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