Monday, August 31, 2015

Goodbye last chapter

Another chapter in this crazy thing I call "life" came to a close yesterday, and for just a little bit I was feeling maudlin about closing it and moving on to a new chapter. Only for a little bit though.

What a weekend though. Man did we get a workout. We got all our stuff completely moved out and packed into a 12' trailer, a little work trailer we tow behind the jeep and into the bus, which showed us just how much stuff we have to get rid of to be able to live this kind of life where the bus is our home.

One thing to note though is that I threw my back out moving down here from Coeur d'Alene two years ago and have suffered stoically (or not so stoically if you ask my wife) though the pain and have been to a chiropractor a few times since we got here. On Saturday when my wife was gone doing some errand I was still moving stuff into the bus, and you know how school buses are with the big door at the back? Well I had just taken a load into the bus and was coming out of the bus stepping down to a little step stool and I slipped and fell really hard. I landed with the very middle of my back on the back of the bus, bent over backwards and afraid that I had just severed my spinal cord. I'm not lying when I say I was completely scared and freaked out and all I could do was stand there in complete pain afraid to move for several minutes. I didn't even try to call out for help because I knew no one was around, and I was alone and all on my own. When I did finally dare to move, I straightened up slowly, sure that I was never going to be able to move the rest of the stuff into the bus and I would be forced to rely on other people, but 'lo and behold I was fine. In fact more than fine. My back had finally "POPPED" back into place.

Apparently my chiropractor has been going about fixing my back the wrong way. What he needed to do was just bend me over completely backwards with a knee in my back, and then pull with all his might.

So anyway, last night we pulled out of the driveway and drove the bus across town to where I work and spent the night parked alongside the building. The nice this is that I have the combination to go in the building, so I was able to run an extension cord inside and hook us up to power, and since we are parked right next to my office, we are able to get wi-fi coming from computer. So we had a nice relaxing evening snacking on pizza and watching Netflix on my 46" TV which is sitting on a dresser at the end of our bed. It actually kinda felt like we were in a movie theater ... but with comfortable seating.

This morning I tore down the walls of my pride and took my boss and the owner aside and asked for permission to park next to the building until we can find a more permanent place to make this our home, and I was greatly relieved and more than a little overjoyed when they said it would be fine, and asked if there was anything else they could do to help.

There are many things I don't like about Boise, and about working at a job that keeps me stuck in front of a computer all day long and rarely ever seeing the sun, but my bosses are NOT one of those things. They are truly compassionate people who are always willing to lend a hand, and I'm not even sure why I was hesitant to ask them, as I knew what kind of people they were. Too often I let my own pride get in the way of doing the things I need to do. I really want to try to not be that way as we go off into the future into our new life, and to be joyful and thankful of those that help us along the way.

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